[SEL] rigging engine for lift

Peter pnmnw at allvantage.com
Sun Dec 12 16:10:07 PST 2004

Does anyone have any . . . um . . . elegant solutions to rigging something 
like a 3hp F-M Z?  I've just finished making a truck for it and am tired of 
my Rube Goldberg-and-baling-twine inventions that attach the engine to the 
chain falls.  Chains, rope, tow straps, under the cylinder, through the 
spokes, around crankcase--and never twice the same way.  I'm sick of it, I 
tell ya!  Would it have been so hard for them to cast some eyes into the 
top of the engine?  Thanks for any tips.

Peter Wagner
Barnet, VT
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