[SEL] Engine Hygiene

Steve Royster steve_royster at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 5 11:11:04 PST 2014

Hi Spencer , Diesel fuel or kerosene is what I use. let it dry after cleaning and brush on a thin coat of Floods Penetrol to bring out the old paint!  Steve
> From: yostsw at atis.net
> Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 13:45:48 -0500
> To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
> Subject: [SEL] Engine Hygiene
> Hey,
> At Portland over the years, I asked a few of you what you clean your original (unrestored) engines with.  The answer I remember hearing most was diesel fuel; after getting off the worst of the crud and dirt by gentle scraping.   But, because I have early onset CRS , I am not sure of that answer.  Does that sound right?
> I always admired the patina of some of our group's original engines at Portland.  I'd like to recreate that as best I can.  
> Thanks!
> Spencer
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