[SEL] JD model E lost its spark

Ed Herreid bigtime64 at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 1 12:53:11 PDT 2014

My JD will sometimes get weak spark.   Remove the cap that holds the brush on the commutator in the mag.  Hold a small piece of the paper shop towel or red shop towel on the commutator ( a pencil eraser works good for this) while spinning it over and clean  off any oil or build up.  Also clean off the brush if it is polished on the end.  An emory board or piece of sandpaper will clean it up nice.  
Then spin it over and hold the wire on a bright piece of metal.  You should see sparking.  
Ed Herreid

> Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 06:30:11 -0500
> From: cgandree at mchsi.com
> To: sel at lists.stationary-engine.com
> Subject: [SEL] JD model E  lost its spark
> Hey guys last fall at a small one day show I was attempting to grind corn and while attaching the belt from my grinder to my
> John Deere 1 1/2hp E had the belt catch and pull the grinder right into my JD causing a a big tangle in the belt and damaging my grinder hopper as well as twisting the belt up and flipping the engine over........very dumb not fastening the two down and way too light an engine. Any way now I am not able to even start the JD.  Left it sit over the winter tried to start her the other day but no go. Drained the old gas out and removed the check valve and cleaned it. I am not sure how to test the low tension mag but read in the JD inst book that you disconnect your mag wire and touch it to a bright spot on you ignitor spring while cranking engine over.  Did that and had no spark.
> Any one ever have this happen and what is the fix????  I hate the idea of taking the mag off due to the time consuming work of remaking gaskets and getting an oil tight seal, etc.  This engine has always been an easy starter until now.
> Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
> Curt Andree
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