[SEL] Joining the smokers

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Tue Sep 4 15:02:58 PDT 2012


The most important advice is to not overdo the oil
Modern two-stroke oils are so much better than what
was available back when Maytags were introduced.

A perfectly suitable gas/oil mixture is 50,000:1.

BTW, you're located close to the ocean; so you probably
have a boat.  You don't say if the Maytag is a single or
a twin.  While either make a superb boat anchor, the
twin is preferred due to the mud-grabbing geometry.

Hope that helps...

See ya,  Arnie

On Tue, September 4, 2012 1:40 pm, Best, George wrote:
> On Saturday I was at my mother-in-laws place to look at some of the stuff
> my sister-in-law and her husband had taken out of my deceased
> father-in-law's shed.  He had a shed packed full of Model A Ford parts,
> along with other assorted car parts and other miscellaneous stuff he had
> packed away.
> To my surprise I spotted a Maytag engine that actually looks to be
> complete and in decent condition.  Next trip down in a couple of weeks I
> plan on bringing the Maytag back home with me.  I've never had a Maytag
> before, so it will be something different to play around with.  Although
> if it doesn't start with a  little tinkering, it will quickly just end up
> on a shelf never to be touched again until more interesting projects are
> finished.

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