[SEL] (Maybe O.T.) Selling my brass plates on e-Bay

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Mon Sep 12 10:52:32 PDT 2011

     Hi Steve, Russell and others who replied "off list",

           Many thanks for your input and ideas - they are all useful to
   this potential "e-Bay Newbie".
           My intention is to list a few common plates and use that
   listing as an "advertising vehicle" to drive potential customers to my
   website. "Common" plates because I know that they will sell eventually
   - I know that one of you mentioned that "rarer" plates would attract
   more attention (and higher prices) but that is not my immediate
   intention. Advertising what I do, and thereby increasing my turnover is
   my main intention.
           I do realise that I could possibly get higher prices for rarer
   (replica) plates on auction but, as I've always said, this is my
   contribution to the hobby and profit is not the motive (although the
   extra cash does come in handy to help towards my obsession with this
   rusty old iron thing).
           One of you mentioned "blank spaces" for serial no. etc. - for
   eBay that is all that I will offer because the plates will already be
   made (to offer quick delivery).
           Russell also mentioned an ad in TOMM - free ad for every
   subscription - does that mean I can have a free ad every month if I
   take out a subscription for one year ? - What is that ad - an entry in
   the "classifieds" or something better ? I currently do not subscribe to
           You also mentioned "SEM" - well, after Eric Brain wrote an
   article a good few months back about "etched plates" and mentioned my
   name a few times, I was contacted by their advertising dept. and
   offered an advertising deal - They would take what amounted to my total
   annual turnover in return for a monthly advert in the magazine - I
   politely declined! :-)

           I'm currently updating my webpage to show all the plates for
   which I have done artwork (there are quite a lot) and this is a major
   task so will take some time yet but I will finish it before I go onto
   Thanks again for all the input and ideas.
   Keep the revs up (or down)
   Jerry Evans
   Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
   Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:


   1. http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm

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