[SEL] Trailer Update

Germoamer at aol.com Germoamer at aol.com
Mon May 9 05:06:38 PDT 2011

Wow Peter, that is really some piece of work.  It is apparent a  lot of 
thought/planning/design has gone into it.
I hope it will not turn out like a friend years ago who did a lot of pre  
engineering into the purchase of a large camping trailer.  He had a Rambler  
with 4 speed manual transmission.  Finally one day said the car would  
handle the trailer ok.  Since the Rambler had a unitized body rather than a  
major frame underneath, he fabricated a trailer hitch for it that started with  
large floor plates ahead of the front seat.  From there he worked it back  
to the rear bumper attaching it where he could.  He would go to the trailer  
lot and hitch it up for test runs until he was satisfied with the handling,  
etc. Finally one day he brought the trailer home, backed it into his  
driveway which was slightly down hill.  Not satisfied with where he  initially 
came to rest, he tried to pull it up the driveway hill and the  car would not 
move it, burning the clutch.  He apparently made some mistake  in his 
calculations and ended up purchasing a big Mercrusier to haul it.   

Tom  Schmutz
Concord,  Va.
germoamer at AOL.com

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