[SEL] OT - truck question

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Thu Jun 23 10:46:50 PDT 2011

Thanks to all who replied. From what I'm seeing and hearing, a 1/2 ton
truck with the right engine and the newer 6 sp automatic, about a 3.7x
ratio or so should pull a trailer load of engines, or the trailer with car
loaded on. (5000-5500 pounds typical)


> In a message dated 6/22/2011 9:36:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> bill at antique-engines.com writes:
> I'm  looking at a Chevrolet 1500, pretty loaded with heavy towing axle and
> a 6.x  liter engine
> I think that is what mine is.  Came with towing package and towing  button
> on the end of turn signal stem.  Keeps it out of overdrive when  engaged.
> I
> never use it and think it is only useful when having a great  heavy load.
> If I am traveling down the main highways and not a heavy load,  I want it
> to
> shift into overdrive. Transmission buddy said to not use  it.  The
> transmissions are made to pull!
> Tom  Schmutz
> Concord,  Va.
> germoamer at AOL.com
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