[SEL] Bucket List Shows

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Wed Jun 8 21:12:22 PDT 2011

Myself having been to both  Denton NC and to Mt Pleasent IA which are 
similar type of shows if I had to choose just one I would go to Mt 
Pleasant. Not a lot of rare engines like Coolsprings but a very well 
rounded show but strong on Steam. Museum buildings, Full size trains, 
trollys and the like. Definitely a bucket list show for its type of 
event.  But I remember the term Slide Valve Engines and the like 
being one of the major criteria spoken of,  so Coolsprings hands 
down. Theres just nothing quite like Coolsprings.
  After that I hear Rollag is a must see from people I would trust to 
make that determination. I also hear Berryville W V.  is a good one 
but have never been there myself.
  In my neck of the woods Findlay Ohio is a good 
one.                         Mark

Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817

Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206  Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
VISIT the Maytag Collectors Club at  www.Maytagclub.com  

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