[SEL] Condensation problem in shop

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 13:24:59 PST 2011

On 18 January 2011 20:57, Best, George <George_Best at adp.com> wrote:
> I have concrete floors and somewhat insulated walls in my main shop area.
> But it is an unheated building 99% of the time.

Try and keep air changes to a minimum, once the air is low humidity
inside, try and keep it that way.

Try and keep temperature changes to a minimum by double-glazing
windows with sheet polythene and try and set up an air barrier between
the walls and the room.

Our workshop is unheated (20 X 26) but we don't go in there a lot in
the winter as we use the shop at the factory, so we find that it keeps
pretty steady temp and humidity as long as we don't leave the door
open when we go in.

Block/sheet foamed plastics like Polystyrene are good for insulation
as has been mentioned, but a simple hanging curtain of sheet plastic
can work well if it stops air circulating over the cold walls.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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