[SEL] QLD Tropical Cyclone Warning: Cape Melville to Sarina & Inland

Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Wed Feb 2 14:33:06 PST 2011

G'Day Curt
Seen the new snow storm on TV, the USA are certainly coping it this year 
with snow.

To far away but they are saying that the Cyclone that was a cat 5 (the 
largest) when it crossed the land is now a cat 2 and will travel at least 
600miles inland.
reports coming in that 90% of buildings have major damage at ground zero but 
at least no reported deaths at this stage


> Looks like about the same size as the snow storm hitting the mid-west and
> NE right now :-)
> You guys expecting any rain in Lithgow from this?
> Curt

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