[SEL] Bamford EG colours

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Tue Dec 6 11:15:20 PST 2011

   Hi Guys 'n Gals,
           The Pommies and Aussies can probably answer this question.
           A friend is restoring a Bamford EG2 and another larger one (but
   I'm still waiting for Type/Model on that one).
           What were the Bamford colours. On the net I've read "Mid
   Brunswick Green" - the same as Lister- but with silver flywheels. Is
   this correct ?  I do remember that "Mid Brunswick Green" was the
   British standard colour for most engines (and industrial equipment) for
   many years.
           Then the silver flywheels - was the complete flywheel painted
   silver or just the outer face - if it was just the outer face, how far
   did this extend down the sides. Apologies, I'm battling to describe
   this, what I'm trying to ask is, did this silver go onto the sides -
   that flat machined part on the outer edge of the rim and where did it
           Pictures of a correctly painted flywheel will be most
           My friends engines still have some green paint on them which
   could be polished up for colour matching but are currently way out in
   the middle of nowhere and it will simplify matters if I could just
   find  confirmation of the correct colour.
           As usual, thanks in advance for all replies.

   Keep the revs up (or down)
   Jerry Evans
   Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
   Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:


   1. http://www.oldengine.org/members/evans/plates/index.htm

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