[SEL] OT IH M tractor question for a friend
bill at antique-engines.com
bill at antique-engines.com
Tue Apr 26 10:01:37 PDT 2011
But will the live hydraulic pump from the super M go onto the M engine
he'd like to put into the super M?
> Bill,
> The Super M is super as it had 47hp on the belt, while the regular M only
> had 36hp.
> They may have the same basic engine, but apparently there were hp
> producing changes for the Super M.
> George
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
> [mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of
> bill at antique-engines.com
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:56 AM
> To: The SEL email discussion list
> Subject: [SEL] OT IH M tractor question for a friend
> I got this from our car forum, a friend is asking...... any M and Super M
> experts here??
> Hey Guys, I hauled a '53 Farmall Super M home last weekend. It has been
> sitting unused for about 30 years and the engine, of course, is seized. I
> have found a running engine but it is from a regular M tractor. I've
> searched online and I'm fairly certain the engines are the same. The only
> exception is, the Super M has a live hydraulic pump in with the
> distributor drive and the regular M does not. A regular M has the
> hydrualic pump mounted under the belly of the tractor back on the
> transmission. I'm wondering if the live hydraulic pump from the Super M
> can be mounted on the distributor drive section of the regular M engine?
> I'm hoping there is a Farmall M expert here that can help me out. The
> engine I'm looking to buy is super cheap for a running tractor engine and
> if it will work on my Super M like normal I want to buy it as quickly as
> possible before someone else does. Knowing if the hydraulic pump will bolt
> to the M engine is the only thing keeping me from buying it.
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