[SEL] WOW-magneto charger

Mark Shulaw frappi at wcoil.com
Sat Apr 2 14:03:34 PDT 2011

Hi Dave,
  I do not know your chargers design and even if I did I do not have 
the detailed engineering knowledge to work it out. If you are having 
good success with it Its obviously getting close if not there on 
field saturation.
Maybe the beast thats on Ebay will do what we want maybe not. Looks 
very much like it will. But just because a machines a magnet charger 
does no necessarily mean its set up and designed to do what we are 
doing. I can not honestly answer that. The machines that was at 
Triplett was not easily adaptable to our purposes. So when they went 
out I never pursued acquiring one.  I took another look at the pics 
of the charger on Ebay and its design varies from  the one near me 
thats part of an actual Weidenhoff "Magneto" Test bench. But he also 
admits to doing a good bit of repairs or modifications to it. So that 
may be throwing me off and the fact that the other one is not in 
front of me to compare sure does not help matters any. CRS disease sure sucks.
  Sorry my terminology is not technically detailed I just have a 
working understanding of the basics learned from various sources 
through time. Built some motors and magnets when I was a kid. I paid 
real close attention to high school science and absorbed all I could 
there but since then its just reading what technical mumbo jumbo I 
can made heads or tails of. Theres a point in the every day world 
where jargon starts to get in the way of understanding for the common 
fellow like me. But it really helped when I started to work for the 
motor compressor shop here in town when I escaped school. Learned a 
lot from the old timers that was still around 30 years ago. They knew 
practical theory in laymans terms not detailed engineering theory. Or 
maybe they did and I just never realized it because they could 
explain in a language I could follow along on.  Hell I just hope I 
guess right half the time. Time for some Black Velvet.      Mark

At 03:40 PM 4/2/2011, you wrote:
>Thanks Mark! Was not yanking your chain at all! Your "understanding
>and observations" have helped my understanding a good bit! One
>additional question with which you may be able to help: Can you make a
>guess as to whether or not my 100# magnet charger brings the charge up
>to (aproximately) what you call "the point originally intended by the
>magneto manufacturer?" (I'm taking for granted that the 450# beast
>would do that--and perhaps more!)
>         Dave
>On Apr 2, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Mark Shulaw wrote:
> > Ok Evil one I thinks yer just yanking my chain but I'll play along.
> > This is going to stretch my understanding a bit but I will do the
> > best I can.
> >
> > #1 Full strength is relative, depends on what field saturation point
> > you need for the application. A 850 pound charger will provide a
> > stronger field, IF its design is in a proper balanced relationship to
> > Input voltage, coil design and core size. Designed wrong and no it
> > will not.  Many specifics left out.
> >
> > #2 Assembly line charging one item right after the other or in large
> > groups all at once, Is what I mean by working all day long. Some of
> > the magnet chargers that used to be at Triplett Corporation here in
> > Bluffton were brutes every bit as large as that Weidenoff and larger.
> > Table charges actually. They were used just to charge magnets that
> > you could hold in the palm of your hand. Input voltages adjustable to
> > suit the field saturation point needed. The magnets on average were
> > about the diameter of a snuff tin, with others the pee magnet as they
> > were nicknamed about 3/8" in diameter. Tripletts magnets used cobalt
> > cores and I think they took one hell of a field to get them to
> > specified field saturation. The magnets in the Triplett meters had to
> > be saturated to a certain strength for the meters. The meters have
> > adjustments to do final calibrations for balancing of the indicator
> > needle. But thats a different magnet then the ones we have on our
> > engines.
> >
> > #3 The small chargers you and I have will increase field saturation
> > some, enough to help but not bring it to the point originally
> > intended by the magneto manufacturer.
> >
> > #4 Not sure if we can over charge the magnets on the magnetos we work
> > with or if overcharging would hurt anything.  But they can be
> > undercharged and still run the engine relatively fine. Bench testing
> > the mag will reveal that output voltage is low compared to original
> > specifications. So the engine may not perform to full potential, just
> > not enough for us to notice on casual observation.
> >
> > All this to the best of my understanding and observation.
> >
> > Mark S.
> >
> >
> > At 06:40 PM 4/1/2011, you wrote:
> >> Hi Mark,
> >> On Apr 1, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Mark Shulaw wrote:
> >>

Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817

Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206  Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
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