[SEL] Cornell University help

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Wed Sep 15 05:20:49 PDT 2010

Hi all

The request I made yesterday on the University of Illinois has been cleared up, the two Thesis manuscripts I am after are very rare and actually the only copies in existance, so I am now dealing with the "Rare Books and Manuscripts Library at Illinois University as these two items cannot be lent out to other libraries because of their fragile nature.

I am now dealing with another Thesis manuscript from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, looks like these can be lent out on microfilm to other major libraries in the USA only.
Is there anyone in our group that has time and is a regualr Library user that is prepared to go through this manuscript and copy it for me. I am assuming I can get it copied, need to ask futher as to how many pages also.

Yes this is Gas Engine related and to do with Root & VanDervoort Engineering Co.

I am prepared to pay for time involved if needed, reply back to this email address only and not to the LIST please, plowe at exemail.com.au

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Skype name: ozengines

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