[SEL] American Beauty
Mark Shulaw
frappi at wcoil.com
Fri Nov 19 15:37:18 PST 2010
Hi Again, I got ahold of Bill and yes he sold American Beauty but he
has gotten rid of all the parts. We talked a bit about them and I did
learn for sure that the tips are not just copper, they are an alloy
of copper. Specially made to get harder as it got hotter, to a point.
And this also slowed down the erosion of the surface. But the best
way to keep the tip from eroding is to keep the entire head tinned.
TTYL, Mark
Mark Shulaw
454 County Road 33
Bluffton, OH. 45817
Frappi at wcoil.com / 419.358.5206 Home / 419.516.2996 Ver. Cell.
Hobby Collector and Dealer in Maytag Multi-Motor Engine parts.
VISIT the Maytag Collectors Club at www.Maytagclub.com
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