[SEL] Curt Stoecker

Rob Skinner rob at rustyiron.com
Mon May 17 19:34:44 PDT 2010

On May 17, 2010, at 6:51 PM, Bill Dickerson wrote:
> I did find through Google an interesting court case where he and his  
> wife
> sued his wife's uncle for trespassing and taking a horse back that  
> they
> claimed her uncle had given her child

Yup, this joker seems to harbor some illusion of self-entitlement.  He  
sued the 75 year old uncle for trespassing, after the old guy came by  
and picked up his horse.  The uncle let the kid use the horse for a  
school project, and the kid could no longer properly care for the  
horse.  It sounds to me like this guy is the hind end of a horse.

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