[SEL] Podlesak mag

Germoamer at aol.com Germoamer at aol.com
Mon Mar 22 13:25:52 PDT 2010

While doing some spring tune-up of the Podlesak mag for my Famous I noted  
the writing on the wire clip.  FAHNESTOCK Pat. April 07 (1907). The old  
folks sure were proud of their work and went to a lot of trouble to imprint 
this  on each clip they made.   

_http://www.oldengine.org/members/schmutz/images/podlsak  mag.jpg_ 

I was also doing some cleaning on the gas tank for the Famous and noted  
that International Harvester had imprinted their IH logo on a floor flange  
mounted on the underside of the tank for the outlet gas pipe.  I guess IH  
made everything they could for their engines. 
Tom  Schmutz
Concord, Va.
germoamer at AOL.com

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