[SEL] R&V Expo at Mt Pleasant in September

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Wed Mar 3 05:06:42 PST 2010

Hi All

I have been talking to Barry Tuller this evening my time about the R&V Expo at Mt Pleasant, Iowa.
Everyone that attended the 2003 Factory Centenary Re-Union should get a letter from Barry promoting the coming show. If you were not there and would like the information pack, please click below here for the relevent documents:

If you plan to attend please get your registrations in ASAP so the Midwest Old Threshers Club can cater and so the Show Packs can be purchased. If you get in past the cut off date then you will not be guaranteed the Special R&V Show Merchandise that will be in the show packs.

The letter from Barry and my web site have accommodation info, registration form, a letter explaining what is happening and a poster that you can hand around to your club members.

I am coming over from Australia, around 14,000 miles, just for this show and I would very much like to meet as many R&V Register members as possible. There may not ever be another large gathering of R&V engine in one place again for quite some time, so do not miss out.
Remember we want you and your engines.

We have the grand daughter and great grand sons of William Van Dervoort attending the show also.

So come on guys and gals, book your vacation time, save up your gas money and be there.

More info will be sent out as it comes to me from Barry.

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Skype name: ozengines

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