[SEL] Coal Mines
Dave Merchant
kosh at ncweb.com
Thu Apr 8 08:14:47 PDT 2010
I have a couple friends that work underground in southern Ohio.
Makes you think.
Note, all mines tend to have a large number of violations
at any given time. Most are nit-picky, but handy to bring up
to put the blame on the owners at times like this.
Dave Merchant
At 10:10 AM 4/8/2010, you wrote:
>Do we have any fellow iron collectors connected with the mine
>accident in Whitesville West Virginia? Mark
>Mark & Christine Shulaw
>Bluffton, OH. 45817-9601
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Dave Merchant
kosh at nesys.com
nesys_com at ameritech.net
dmerchant at layerzero.com
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to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards)
and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
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