[SEL] Where is everybody ?
Jerry Evans
jerrye at databak.co.za
Tue Sep 22 11:07:58 PDT 2009
Hi All,
After a record number of posts (for recent times) on the SEL list
about 3 days ago suddenly all is quiet! Oldengine is the same.
For want of anything engine related to say, I've been busy
repairing the front end of my pickup, which had an unfortunate meeting with
a small antelope about a year ago - (unfortunate for the antelope that
is!). For the pickup it just involved a plastic body part and repaint of
the front bumper, valance, covers and "bull bar".
Enginewise, I've been busy spraying primer onto all the "bits" of
the Lister 5/1 and yesterday a friend helped me strip and clean the diesel
pump and injector - apart from being a bit "gelled" all was well. He did
his apprenticeship on diesels so is well qualified to help me (who knows
very little about diesel but is learning fast!)
He is coming back in a few days and we will set up one of the
injector calibrators (is that the correct name for them) that he gave me
when he retired and we will calibrate the injector and pump. I'm really
looking forward to the experience (and knowledge).
I'm working toward having the engine running at it's first engine
day (rally) at Neville Botha's open day which is the last Saturday of
November. Some of you may remember that I actually found 2 of these engines
- the other went to George Botha (no relation to Neville) who is arguably
our South African Lister expert. George and I decided to restore them
identically (as far as possible) and show them together at rallies that we
both attend. I mentioned "as far as possible" - although these 2 engines
were supplied to our South African Railways workshops at the same time
(1953) there are 2 differences - his has an "oil bath" air cleaner and mine
has an element type. The silencers are also different but apart from that
they are identical - I think that they will look really good standing next
to each other at a show!.
Just imagine - 2 engines made in 1953 that spent their lives
together doing the same job - now "retired" and in preservation also
together (almost).
All for now.
Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:
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