[SEL] Mystery Engine

Alan rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 12 16:44:11 PDT 2009

Hi Folks,
A fellow member of our local club is not on-line and just bought his first engine.
It has no sign of a tag and the former owner painted it bright red years ago and has been calling it a Sparta Economy.
It sure looks more like a Witte type B to me.
BPBB page 560 Lower right corner.
Bore looks like 1 5/8 X 5.
My guess is 1 1/2 HP.
It looks like there is a serial number on the end of the crankshaft but we can't read much of it.
It is throttle governed.
It has a wiper on the cam lobe that looks to me like it would fire up a buzz coil.
There is a lever that adjusts that wiper for spark delay starting.
Did they offer the Witte type B with battery/buzz coil and spark plug instead of the Wico EK?
It has the multi fuel carb like the BPBB says.
Pictures are here.
Do any of you have an engine like this one?
I could be completly wrong on the Witte name but all we want is to know what it is.
Alan in Michigan

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