[SEL] bearing clearances

jbcast at charter.net jbcast at charter.net
Fri Mar 6 04:02:11 PST 2009

---- Peter Lowe <plowe at exemail.com.au> wrote: 
> Hi All
> I know we have spoken about this before, but I did not log the answers.
> I am making two (2) cylindrical one piece bearings, 4.500" long, crankshaft diameter 1.450", how many thousanths of an inch clearance should I allow for when boring out the bearing to take the crankshaft? I have brand new crank arms and want a nice snug fit with no play, but not too tight so it will seize, the correct clearance in other words. Lubrication on this early model is grease.
> Also does anyone in Oz know of a source for 9/16" square steel bar. The early R&V's had all square head bolts and will have to make all new ones, NO they are not set screws etc etc etc, we have been there. These bolt are NO longer available, will post that info to my web site tonight.
> Regards
> Peter, Oz
I would go for .002" on the bearings but things may change if alignment is not perfect. Is this a split bearing with a cap and shims or is it installed in one piece? 14MM is pretty close to 9/16", it would work for your bolts. 
J.B. Castagnos

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