[SEL] List Maners

Mike Royster mr at carolina.rr.com
Thu Jul 30 19:03:42 PDT 2009

For me it's usually because if I don't know the answer, no need to comment. 
Also I rarely get to read the emails before 9 at night, so usually somebody 
that also knows has beat me to it.  The rest I don't worry about, being 
flamed by Dr. Dave is much like a rite of passage!  I have learned much from 
the SEl and encourage all to participate with no fear.  I have an older 
brother, been corrected all my life, no big deal!  Join in guys and gals, 
it's fun and even educational.

All the best,
Mike Royster

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kerry" <ozengine at optusnet.com.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:52 PM
Subject: [SEL] List Maners

> G'Day All
> Question in general, is there a increasing lack of people getting involved
> in discussion where help is asked.
> know I have been there on both sides, and it is frustrating in not getting
> an answer (specially English Crossley and National questions).
> My thoughts on reasons.
> 1. I know little or nothing about a particular engine but will wait for an
> answer to increase my knowledge.
> 2. I don't care, I don't have that engine so just delete the post
> 3. others know better so let them answer (they have in the past).
> 4. last time I tried to help, I jot blasted by others, so stuff it.
> 5. last time I tried to help I got no reply so not wasting my time again,
> 6. I only read the list and seldom post even if I could help.
> 7. I don't like him so will not answer.
> I know No5 gets up my nose, as I get a lot of questions off list, and 
> after
> digging data out and replying get no answer, I would say now 50% cannot be
> bothered to even thank you.
> These lists were set up to help others are we losing that.
> Your thoughts
> Kerry Morris
> Lithgow NSW Oz
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