[SEL] Sunshine engine ....Australian members

Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jul 30 16:30:27 PDT 2009


Somewhat BS

> No  response at all  through SEL .  I have given up with
> SEL ,it consists of US content mainly . Those Australians that are on it
> seem to completly absorbed in the US.

I did reply to your original question (although poor name spelling) as I was 
blocked? to your email so posted what I knew to both SEL and ORG.
in which I had no reply from you for my effort.

> However I have been able to contact a former member of the now defunct 
> Forum .This was done through a network of very good and helpful ex members
> .We are going to establish this network to help us with our questions and
> answers. If you are interested let me know and I will add your email 
> address
> to the list.

A lot of Aussies are on Smokestack Down Under, ask your question there


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