[SEL] on facebook? - to Kevin K - OT

Paul Pavlinovich pjp08 at steamengine.com.au
Fri Jul 17 17:15:34 PDT 2009

Absolutely share your amazement Arnie, but it isn't new to facebook. It 
used to happen on the old dial up bulliten boards and internal chat 
systems. A friend of mine built the first interactive chat system that I 
ever knew about long before the web existed on a CDC Cyber 970 
mainframe. This thing kept about 40% of the population of my and 
interconnected universities amused and it was no different then. People 
like to talk and they like to talk about themselves. Some people pause 
to listen on occasion - that is conversation. Those that never pause to 
listen are those most vulnerable to facebook.

Is it different on this list? It is a public forum - there are hundreds 
of subscribers - do you know everyone here? No? Neither do I. There are 
people who read but never post. They might be innocents or they might 
have other motives. How many times have you told what you consider to be 
your collection or friends that you're going to Portland, or Baraboo, or 
even the big overseas trips. How many times have I done it? Plenty is 
the answer because we like to think that we're safe here.


Arnie Fero wrote:
> What cracks me up about FaceBook are the number of people (like my daughters) who
> have iPhones (or equivalent) and are 'FaceBook addicted', posting the minutia of
> their daily lives on a minute-by-minute basis (and responding to their friend's
> similiar posts).  Add to that the games and quizzes, etc. that FaceBook offers and
> the 'heavy users' can spend their entire waking lives accomplishing nothing, but
> posting much.
> Some get so involved that they just unthinkingly disclose too much.  "I'm going to
> be away for a month on holiday."  "We just haven't decided on how to safely store
> Bobbie's gold coin collection, so it's STILL sitting on the kitchen table!  That
> really makes me nervous cos it's worth MILLIONS."  "Do you have our latest address;
> it's 69 Dumbo Lane, in LaLa Land."  "Did I tell you how much trouble we had finding
> a kennel to board our two pit bulls for our holiday trip?"  "I'm SOOO excited, we
> finally leave TOMORROW!  A whole month out of the country!"
> You get the idea...
> See ya,  Arnie
> On Thu, July 16, 2009 4:40 am, Paul Pavlinovich wrote:
>> Hi Kevin, this could happen from your SEL postings too - who says
>> everyone here is an engine person. The trick is to give only the minimum
>> information that someone could already know from say the whitepages
>> phonebook (or its electronic equivalent).
>> Anyone who posts personal or secret information publicly is simply a
>> fool waiting to be conned. Bring on the etheopians with their surplus
>> bank balances :).
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