[SEL] Spam> Good deeds are carried on!!

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 12:17:54 PST 2009

On 10/01/2009, Dave Croft <dave.croft at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On the 15 December 2001 I suffered severe brain damage after being knocked
> off my bicycle.
> Engine friends on both lists, (74 of you) subscribed to a fund for me to
> help while I recovered.
> Once I was recovered many months later I re-instated the fund and saved it
> in a separate account.
> A couple of years ago, Bob Bolhuis in Canada was knocked off his motorcycle
> & suffered similar
> brain injuries to those I had suffered. We commiserated with each other over
> the problems &
> I passed on the fund to Bob who was unable to work. (I advised the lists).
> Bob rang me tonight and he told me that he had been back at work for about a
> year.
> A female friend of his who was a teacher of handicapped children has
> suffered similar brain damage
> & is having financial problems so Bob has passed on the full amount!!
> It is nice to see your generosity of 7 years ago still giving help to
> unfortunate people.
> A good start to the New Year.
> Dave Croft

For more recent members of both lists who were not around in 2001,
this was a truly International effort, handled by Reg Ingold in Oz,
Dave Rotigel in the USA and myself in the UK. Within 2 weeks or less
we had raised a significant amount of cash in three currencies, got it
converted at no charge (my sister worked at HSBC then) and we were
able to send Dave a large Xmas food hamper and a very nice cheque for
him and his family.

A full record was kept of all responses and donations, and I have that
filed/archived, including the hamper picture :-))

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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