[SEL] Licence plates

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Mon Feb 9 03:49:16 PST 2009

Hi Rick
OK that sounds good mate.
Do not go out and buy these plates, I can do that via Ebay. I am just after 
plates that people might have that they have no use (FREE) and I pay 


> G'day Peter;
>  How 'bout Rust.  I have an ole truck "Farm" plate that is all rusted up 
> but readable.  Farm plates were used by farmers on their vehicles that 
> were mainly used on the farm and rarely taken out on the highway.  They 
> were a lot cheaper, but not available anymore.
> Regarding the Montana plates you have, the first number represents the 
> County in Montana.  1P (meaning passenger, a T would mean truck) being 
> Silverbow county in which good ole Butte resides and the 3 being 
> Yellowstone county in which Billings resides.
>  I've been saving the rusted one for ya for years now.  Now I just need to 
> find it.
>  and I'll keep my eye out as several antique shops have them around here.
> RickinMt.
> Subject: [SEL] Licence plates
>> To all those who have replied about US plates, make sure they are washed 
>> free of road dirt as our customs will not let them in if they are.
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