[SEL] Merry Christmas to all

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Wed Dec 23 09:50:16 PST 2009

Hi Everyone,
         In about 13 hours Christmas Day will begin (at the International 
Date Line) so I suppose it's that time to wish all my mates on the lists A 
very Happy Christmas.

         I'll be thinking of many of you as the time zones change. First 
will be our mates in New Zealand followed a few hours later the the Aussies 
then us in darkest Africa, Europe, Britain then the USA and finally, one of 
the last will be Oom Bill-san in Japan.

         Thanks again Guys and Gals of the lists for another year of 
friendship, cameraderie and help.

         A special thought also to those of you who have family on duty in 
the Armed Forces, Emergency Services and any other "service" that means 
that they will give up their time to look after us and make the world a 
better and safer place for the rest of us. Thanks to all of them - they are 

Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:

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