[SEL] Inter "M" 10hp fuel tank

John & Norma Gilbert sumron at optusnet.com.au
Thu Apr 9 16:02:13 PDT 2009

Hi all there on the List,  I am after the dimensions of the 10hp Inter "M" fuel tank.  I believe they are a bit different to the  smaller models of which I do have  old originals. The owner , restorer of the engine in question does not have an old tank at all for me to copy. If you live in Oz and have an old tank you no longer use a loan of it would be appreciated.  cheers ,  John Gilbert in oz  

John Gilbert
RSD Block 69 River Ave
Merbein, Vic 3505  
ph 03-50253372
Willow Norma: http://s575.photobucket.com/albums/ss194/willownorma/Showcase/

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