[SEL] Oh gads

Chuck Balyeat kerogas at sbcglobal.net
Fri Sep 5 08:16:36 PDT 2008

 Not that I have spare time to driver over there at present but this 
> machine is only 15 minutes away from home in a town called Red 
> Cliffs. Maybe Jim Bethell (Jims Iron) could get some good close ups. 
> Let us know how much you want to see of it. The engine in the Lizzi 
> from memory is a 9hp Blackstone??(not 100% sure). It is not the 
> original engine; I don't recall what it was. Maybe Curts may have 
> some notes on it from when he and Missy were here on holidays? BTW: 
> the flywheel is still on it.
> Russell>>>

First off chuck aint building no butt buggies  , 
and  Elden has probably seen enough to get the idea . So
dont tool around burning petrol on my account . BUT 
there dont appear to be any decent close ups of the dreadnoughts
on the internet , and that's just shameful. :-)

And secondly ,  it was supposed to have had a 60HP
Blackstone in it .  The white one in it dont look too awful big 

Here is a better shot of the trailer load of steam engines .

No matter where ,
 SEL is there .



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