[SEL] Wanted: Pair of old Panel Meters for a Searchlight Generator

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 04:51:14 PST 2008

On 12/11/2008, Listerdiesel <listerdiesel at gmail.com> wrote:
> We got the old Petter PU8 genny engine running today, had to change
> the magneto as the original had been got at and reassembled with the
> timing wrong :-((

We received a pair of Sangamo Weston panel meters this morning, from
Kim Siddorn in Bristol. As near what we wanted as makes no difference,
just need to re-print the correct scales or adapt the old ones,
whichever is easier.

Many thanks for everyone's help on this one, both on and off-list, it
was very much appreciated.

Hope to have the PU8 searchlight genny at Nuenen next year, along with
a couple of the Onans and a couple of Philip's BSA gennies, sort of
Maytag sized things but they are 4-stroke and have a genny attached -


Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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