[SEL] Web Sites Shut Down

Paul Pavlinovich pjp08 at steamengine.com.au
Wed Nov 19 23:40:11 PST 2008

Just have him killed.

There are techniques to solve this. If your web server can be configured 
to check the referrer-id you can see if the load request has come from 
your page or directly.

Some people use javascript to download and display each photo - this way 
functionality like right-click-save does not work as the browser has no 
idea there is an image there.

Alternately, you can run a content management system (CMS) such as 
Joomla where you can set it up so that people have to register to access 
your site. You can approve the registration before they get access after 
satisfying yourself that they are real. I do this with our Scout web 
site to prevent deviants from capturing photos of the kids. In our 
system a person cannot register themselves, they have to be registered 
by the sysadmin - only active members of our troop and their parents are 


Listerdiesel wrote:
> On 19/11/2008, fero_ah at city-net.com <fero_ah at city-net.com> wrote:
>> Why?  Doing your spring cleaning early?
> No, just p*ssed off with a guy swiping images and posting them on Photobucket.
> Peter
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