[SEL] Bee Stings OT
David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net
Wed May 7 08:33:21 PDT 2008
I've found that after being stun a Six Pack of Old Mill helps
greatly. If the beer is consumed fast enough the sting(s) still hurt--
but you don't give a damn!
PS, The "penny thing" is something ONLY a FATG (or a democrat) would
David Rotigel
rotigel at alltel.net
On May 7, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Orrin B Iseminger wrote:
> Wasps thrive where we live and I'm always getting stung by them.
> When that
> happens I apply a bit of liquid laundry bleach (sodium
> hypochlorite) to the
> wound with a cotton swab. It is very effective. The pain and
> swelling
> stops almost immediately.
> I have not used bleach on bee stings, but it is worth a try.
> Orrin
> Orrin Iseminger
> Colton, Washington, USA
> http://users.moscow.com/oiseming/lc_ant_p/menu.htm
> So many projects. So little time.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
> [mailto:sel-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of Chuck
> Balyeat
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 6:19 AM
> To: The SEL email discussion list
> Subject: Re: [SEL] Fw: Bee Stings OT
>> I've found a ha'penny and two farthings. I don't know whether
>> to tape them side by side or in a pile though. :-\
>>> Al Harris
> We live around thousands of wasps, bees and hornets out here by the
> river
> and woods, only ever been stung once. Baking soda paste worked for
> me......... and I'm mildly allergic.
>>> Bill D
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