[SEL] Babbitt lapping compound

jbcast at charter.net jbcast at charter.net
Mon Mar 31 17:05:53 PDT 2008

---- William Young <wmlyoung at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> FYI,  Some time back there was discussion re a bearing lapping compound.  After a couple tries I finally received an email response from Newman Tools to my inquiry re price and availability of their yellow label product.  I was surprised, to say the least.
>   Their sampler kit of 8 three oz. cans of various grits: $189
>   2  one lb. each cans of medium and fine grits             131
>   Shipping, handling, insurance to Los Angeles              25      
>   Total:  $345  a bit much for one con rod bearing.  I may down size to a single can of medium after hearing if anyone has actually purchased and used this product.  Comments?
>   Bill in Japan
Bill, Mcmaster Carr has it for $25 for a 1lb can, I've seen it cheaper. I use the yellow label 120 medium grit. Google McMaster Carr, search lapping compound.
J.B. Castagnos

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