[SEL] Petter Atomic 15 H.P.
Jerry Evans
jerrye at databak.co.za
Sun Mar 9 11:03:04 PDT 2008
At 06:00 PM 09/03/2008, you wrote:
>Message: 5
>Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 21:41:27 -0000
>From: "Jim French" <fbi at insulate.co.uk>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Spam> Petter Atomic 15 H.P.
>Hi Jerry
>Jim's got a 6HP Atomic. Sorry, the only pic I've put online is here
>As to missing parts, guaranteed one of them will be the injector (nozzle),
>which is as rare as rocking horse poo studded with hens teeth. However,
>there are similar ones about which will make the engine pop and bang as
>Talk to Paul Evans of Internal Fire http://www.internalfire.com/
>Look forward to seeing pics!
>Dolly & Jim
Hi Dolly & Jim,
Thanks for the reply - when I googled "Petter Atomic" yours was
one of the first to come up. (Well Done "The Webmistress" :-)) Advanced
search (in those results) for 15 hp only found about 3 results and none
Neville also has a 6HP (unrestored) and has already stripped a few
parts from it for comparison and will be able make (or modify) some of the
parts using those from the 6 HP for reference.
On "Jim's List" Roland Craven replied:
"The 15hp is an uprated version of the 12hp with practically no parts in
common with any other size. the 12-15 is also far from common so parts may
be a big issue.."
I do not think that Neville is too concerned with "availability of
parts" - more a case of being able to see what they look like and do so
that he can copy and make them. We have a saying in South Africa (in
Afrikaans - our other language) "'n Boer Maak 'n Plan" - direct translation
is " A Farmer makes a plan".
I've not seen the engine yet and am still waiting for Neville to
give me a list of what he needs but if an injector is one of the missing
"bits" I do not see that as a big problem.
I learnt a lot about diesel injectors (from these lists) a few
weeks ago when looking for one for my 12 HP Witte CD Diesel. Thanks all.
I'll get some pics soon but, as I mentioned, he got this one in
boxes so the pics will not be much until it starts going together again.
Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
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