William Young wmlyoung at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 09:12:08 PST 2008

Jerry-san,     Bill Young reporting in from Japan,  I read everything, delete some and file stuff I think  might be of valve.
   I have just returned to Japan from a month in Thailand.  I always go south for the winter, always hitting Thailand and occasionally Burma ( or whatever it is called today ) Laos, Viet Nam, OZ & NZ.  Cut it short this year when folks at home told me spring had sprung.
    Found a whole pile of engines in Laos 2 years ago.  That's the good news.  They were in a govt. scrap yard and could not be had.  Date for smelter had already been fixed.  That's the sad news
    Keep in touch.  A special Hello to The Bessie Bunch.  Bill

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