[SEL] Oldengine.org

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 22:32:37 PDT 2008

On 15/06/2008, Elden DuRand <edurand at mchsi.com> wrote:
> Ron
> Well, drat !  I must not be doing something right.  Lemmesee here, I'll
> check it again.
> ...........................................checking the web
> page.....................
> Well!  How about that!  It's back.  It musta been you that made it work.
> Thanks, Ron.
> Take care - Elden

When the DNS is changed (the web location of the name server that
carries the site) it takes a while for the change to propagate through
the web. The change from toltbbs.com to the standby server of Network
Associates would have taken a few hours, and the change back again

Some web servers would have changed back again quicker than others, it
just depends on where they are and other traffic, plus whether other
users looked for the same web address.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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