[SEL] Harry's Old Engine

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 13:38:56 PDT 2008

On 02/06/2008, Alan <rustaholic777 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A few kinks is right,,,
> I keep getting this message when I click on links.
> ---No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the
> administrator---
> One topic I was reading gave me that when I clicked on page two then when I
> backed out of it I
> went all the way back to the list of topics in that forum and noticed the
> last six to eight topics
> had all disappeared.   They were just gone,,,,
> If I notified the administrator every time I got that message he would be
> swamped.
> Alan

If you look at the heading of each section, you'll notice an
"Announcement" header.

Harry is running on an old backup until he can get back to full
operation, and ALL sections are now READ-ONLY until the system is
restored. What you are seeing is an old snapshop/backup of the site.
Text of that header follows:

This is a temporary replacement server that may become permanent.

I have brought up another web server in the Dallas data center. A one
week old database has been restored from May24th. If we can wait a few
hours more, I might be able to get to the database in the old server
and have a full recovery. Still testing and pondering the situation.
Your patience is appreciated. -- Harry

The chat room is open: http://www.smokstak.com/forum/chat/flashchat.php

All forums except TEST are READ ONLY.

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com

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