[SEL] Harry's Old Engine

Alan rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 2 12:07:11 PDT 2008

A few kinks is right,,,
I keep getting this message when I click on links.

---No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator---

One topic I was reading gave me that when I clicked on page two then when I backed out of it I
went all the way back to the list of topics in that forum and noticed the last six to eight topics
had all disappeared.   They were just gone,,,,

If I notified the administrator every time I got that message he would be swamped.


--- Judge Tommy Turner <lcjudge at scrtc.com> wrote:

> Harry's just came back on.  He's on a temporary server so there could be 
> a few kinks but its better than the alternative.... no Harry's at all!
> Tommy Turner
> Magnolia, KY
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