[SEL] scary... you can still buy asbestos./now govern"munt".
Richard Fink Sr
nancydick at pennswoods.net
Wed Jan 16 06:58:08 PST 2008
Alan you should put them on e bay. Could get good money for them as
antiques. There is still a lot of uses for asbestos if you have
common sense how to use it and cut it. In my life time i have
installed a hundred squares or so on houses. We cut it with a big
machine that cut like a paper cutter did not make any dust.
R Fink
At 03:55 PM 1/15/2008 -0800, you wrote:
>Every time I run into a conversation like this I cringe a bit about
>those two days spent replacing asbestos siding on a house back
>around 1985 or 86.
>There were a lot of doors and windows to cut around.
>All those cuts were made with a metal cutting Carborundum blade in
>my circular saw. The air was a solid cloud of asbestos dust.
>No, There were no masks of any kind to be found.
>HEY,,, I just happen to know where there is a stack of NOS Asbestos siding.
>Still in what's left of the boxes.
>My Dad stacked them there and he died in 1960.
>Alan Bowen
>Williamsburg, Michigan
>peter ogborne <jopeter at omninet.net.au> wrote: Having had a mate who
>as a young man worked at Wittenoom in the bagging
>plant and died at the age of 31 of Asbestosis, I certainly would handle the
>stuff in ''Full Body Armour"" as Reg puts it! The three months '' Holiday
>Job'' was Peters one and only contact with Asbestos ,a fatal one as it
>turned out.
>I am sure what Patrick was referring to was the inclusion of the product in
>imported Chinese toys .These were remote controlled cars .............when
>they eventually break a lot of boys would start to take them to pieces and
>then come into contact with the Asbestos.
>If the product is hazardous surly we want the Government to tell us!!
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