[SEL] Totally off topic-just a "rant"

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Fri Jan 11 12:19:08 PST 2008

Hi Jerry,

>          I've had a really s___t week and just feel like spreading the load
> amongst my mates.

Man, as my daughter would say, "It sure sucks to be you!"  8-))

>          I live in an area of South Africa prone to very heavy electrical
> thunderstorms and do have all the necessary "lightning protectors" etc.
> installed on my house, computers and such but in the last 2 weeks we have
> had 2 thunderstorms here, the like of which I've not experienced since
> moving here in 1969. (Can I blame this on America - climate change and the
> like ??) :-)

DEFINITLY, George Bush's fault all the way!!

>          The next one was at 5.20 last Saturday morning when we scored a
> "direct hit". It woke me up and my first recollection was of this orange
> fireball in my garden - it slowly faded away and I went and changed my
> shorts :-).  This one lasted for about an hour.

Ya know, I think I'd look into some SERIOUS lightning rods for the roof
with massive cables going down to ground rods.

>          Decision to be made - what next ?

One word of advice; if Rob & Kelley come knocking on the door suggesting
that you buy a Mac, just smile and nod, tell them a story in your very
best Afrikaans while slowly backing away and closing the door.  Trust me
on this one, you won't regret it.  8-)))

>          Answer - Pour a "Brandy & Coke" - write a totally irrelevant
> letter to the guys on the SEL and leave the damn computer for tomorrow - so
> this is that letter :-) ( and I feel better for it - thanks Guys - or maybe
> it's the other "B&C's" I've poured since starting this post !).

Sounds like a plan...

See ya,  Arnie

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