[SEL] babbitt grades
jbcast at charter.net
jbcast at charter.net
Tue Jan 8 17:45:25 PST 2008
---- David Rotigel <rotigel at alltel.net> wrote:
> > I do not trust the old bearing materials- I use new stuff and save the
> > melted out stuff for casting into cart wheels to make bearings. If I
> > am going to all the trouble, then why not do the best I can......
> > Paul
> Boy Paul I sure agree with you on this. That old crap only lasted for
> 80-100 years. The new stuff is a LOT better!
> Dave
Dave, I agree with Paul, but I would describe it as used babbit instead of old babbit. Re using babbit is questionable and too much work for the small price.
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