[SEL] August Portland Week options

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 7 17:48:38 PST 2008

That would work out great from Buckley.
1. It is only about six hours to Portland from Buckley.
2. The show is officially over when the parade ends on Sunday.
Thursday through Saturday the parade lasts longer but some of the tractors and a lot of the garden tractors leave Saturday evening or first thing Sunday morning so the Sunday parade is usually over by 3:30 or so.  Then as the crowd disperses I get 50 or so folks that want to look at what's left.  By then if the weather is good my canopy is down, but my display is intact.  I usually start to load at 4pm and am on the road by 5pm with a very full 8' X 16' trailer.
I get home by six then go back the next day for our 24' travel trailer.
I would love to find a deal on a pop-up trailer for shows farther away.
Right now it is unload the truck then set up the cot in the back of the truck.


Arnie Fero <fero_ah at city-net.com> wrote: Hi Alan,

On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Alan Bowen wrote:

> That pulling out Saturday evening seems to be a normal thing for shows
> just before Portland.  It happens at Buckley too.   How about Baraboo?

There are some folks who are pulling out Saturday afternoon, and more who
are pulling out Sunday.  I usually start loading up just after lunch with
an eye to being on the road between 4 and 5.  We usually drive till around
9 pm or so and get a motel then finish the drive to Portland Monday

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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