[SEL] Compressed Air Car? -- OT
Tom Smith
tsmith at hal-pc.org
Thu Feb 14 06:28:35 PST 2008
I didn't read the link in super detail (my BS alarm also went into
overdrive) but it didn't say how far the car would go on a single
charge of air (maybe 25' if it was level ground??).
The other thing that caught my attention was the filling station
looking hose. To have any chance at all to get enough air pressure for
the kind of energy needed would require very high pressure, not a
hundred PSI or whatever might be available to pump up a tire. I know
the equipment required to fill my scuba tank to 3000 PSI is more
robust than a rubber hose. It would probably require pressures like
that to even have a chance.
I'm having a problem with all this. There are very few free rides in
this world and a lot of this latest "green technology" ain't all it's
cracked up to be.
On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:03:12 -0500
fero_ah at city-net.com wrote:
> Hiya Folks,
> There are no engineering details provided (beyond a three minute
>"fill up"
> time), but this article has my bullshit detector clanging...
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7241909.stm
> See ya, Arnie
> Arnie Fero
> Pittsburgh, PA
> fero_ah at city-net.com
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