[SEL] Witte Diesel 12 H.P. - more help please.

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Thu Feb 7 11:44:02 PST 2008

Hi Guys,
         As some of you know, I have a 12 H.P. Witte diesel (Model CD) 
which I'm going to start on soon. This will be my first diesel engine so 
I'm on a steep learning curve.

         Today I received the parts that I'd ordered from David Johnson 
<wittemania at cox.net>
and must say that I'm very impressed - good quick service and everything as 

         Due to other pressures I've not done anything to the engine (or 
any engine for that matter) for 2 months but had sent the injector pump and 
injector into a diesel shop to have them checked out.

         Today I received the bad news that the nozzle (and needle) is 
toast and have not heard about the pump yet. I had previously asked David 
Johnson if he had parts for the injection system but he does not.

         An internet search for "American Bosch" turned up AMBAC (formerly 
American Bosch) <http://www.ambac.net/>
but they have one of the poorest websites I've seen in a long time without 
even an eMail contact address - just a few phone numbers in Elgin, South 
Carolina. Even some pages "Still under Construction" - very bad for a 
company website!  Even their "Latest news" page was last updated in 2005.

         So now it's over to all the Gurus on the lists again:
a) Can anyone in the States try to phone them for me and find out if any 
parts are available and if they have an eMail address.(Part Numbers 
follow). They list this telephone number.
Toll Free Phone  . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. . . . . . . (800)628-6894

Part Numbers: American Bosch. The nozzle Holder is  AKB 50 S 1910 A. ( I do 
not need this part - just giving it for reference)
The nozzle (and needle) has the letters - 449   USA  ADN-4S-3 (This is the 
part I need).

b) If these parts are no longer available what ideas can you guys give me 
to get the engine going again - as mentioned, this is my first diesel so 
I'm stupid. Can nozzles be "fixed" or are their nozzles from other 
manufacturers that could be substituted or would I need to replace the 
whole system (sounds costly - especially on my limited budget).

         Thanks in advance.

Keep the revs up (or down)
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Etched Brass Engine Plates made to order:

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