[SEL] Register Opinion

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Fri Feb 1 18:46:00 PST 2008

Hi Patrick

What you want to place on the web or any other source is entirely up to you.
I guess it is based on what YOU want done with the information, are you 
wanting to write a book etc etc.
Remembering that what goes on the WWW is public domain and you have 
basically no control over it, (forget copyright) so if in the future your 
wanting to write a good comprehensive history on Austral keep some secrets 
to yourself. Again this is your call mate. I have already had some 
information taken and used by others from my web site, as have others who 
have published stuff on the Web.

I have been criticised by some for not publishing and making more available 
the info I have on R&V, what I have on R&V is my business and will become 
everyone's business one day, I promise.
I am writing a book on R&V hence me not wanting everything on R&V on my web 
site. Anyone can copy manuals and pictures from catalogues and print here 
say, but to get the facts 100% correct takes a lot of time and in some cases 

You are lucky in that you have a register to go off and some surviving 
company records, I have nothing except old catalogues and I envy you. They 
do tell part of the story but not enough.
You, I and others that run registers have one great thing in common, the 
fantastic help from enthusiasts and collectors on the two list forums here 
(ATIS & Oldengin.org) and those members on our registers.
Use these people every chance you get, don't think you know it all because 
just when you think you do something comes along. This has happened to me 
many times.

I wish you well in your venture and adventure on Austral and as an Austral 
owner I wait eagerly to read what ever you publish on the subject.

As for the R&V Book, well guys be patient and I hope we are all still around 
when I get it out. ;-)))

Peter Lowe
R&V Engine Registrar
Ph: 61-266453455

>I am still beavering away at getting the Austral Register onto a computer
> database (as well as renovating the house, working long hours, &
> occasionally working on an engine). A lot of the information is now on the
> computer which is making maintaining the register a lot easier.
> I am thinking of putting some of the register data on my web site to make
> the information more accessible to the engine community. The question is 
> how
> much should I put on the website?
> I am thinking of just the engine numbers, hp, style & year. This would 
> allow
> people to see if their engine is on the register and if the basic details
> are correct. Is it worth doing this or will my helpfulness be abused?
> Suggestions and opinions gratefully accepted :)
> Patrick
> Patrick M Livingstone
> Leichhardt NSW
> The Austral Register
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/pml/Index.html
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