[SEL] Still in pieces after all these years

Rob Skinner rskinner at rustyiron.com
Mon Dec 15 15:21:19 PST 2008

On Dec 15, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Best, George wrote:
> What engine(s) do you still have in pieces?

Hi George,
The only engine I have in pieces is the one I'm currently working on.

About a decade ago I started work on a small Jack of All Trades.  The  
Victory Oil Motor came along, and work on the Fairbanks came to a  
halt.  After that, more exciting projects were always taking priority,  
so I eventually pedaled the Jack.  Yes, I could have got a LOT more  
for it by finishing it, but life is short, and I don't do this to make  

The other engine that I stalled on was an Allan Bros.  We got started  
on it, somehow lost focus, and that was that.  We would put in a good  
day's worth of work on her about once a year, but never got back in  
the groove.  She could end up a "knock your socks off" engine, but not  
at the pace we were going.  It made more sense to sell her to someone  
with more discipline than us.

Again, the price was lower than on a finished engine, but at least I  
know longer have the guilt of knowing I'm a slacker.

My advice?  If you've lost interest in a particular engine, it's  
unlikely that it will ever excite you again.  Sell it to someone who  
will care for it, and move on to something else.  If you need help, I  
know a lady who publishes a newsletter full of classifieds for old  
engines.  I'll put in a good word and she might place an ad for you.

   Rob Skinner
   La Habra, California

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