[SEL] Pictures of a couple of Japanese engines i ran into

fero_ah at city-net.com fero_ah at city-net.com
Mon Dec 15 15:03:08 PST 2008

Hi Ken,

The "hand signs" are one of the things that I really enjoy about watching the
spectators at an engine show.  You don't need to hear what they're saying; just
watch their hands.  They either "get it" or they don't have a clue.

See ya,  Arnie

Quoting Ken Erman <Ken.Erman at mastercam.com>:

> The Japanese gentleman I was with spoke little English, but he was able
> to "tell" me he had used a small hit and miss engine for pumping water
> when he was a young boy.  He used his hands to show how the engine hit
> and coasted.

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