[SEL] FMZ Gear and Timing questions.

Al Harris al.harris at rustic-engines.com
Thu Dec 4 10:56:29 PST 2008

Pssst, Chuck, I got this other bridge in Sydeney if you're interested.

I'm selling the London one to Elden. ;-)

Don't you blokes know how to stop wasps from building mud huts for their 
offspring inside orifices? :-)


Al Harris
Summer Clarence Coast NSW Oz

al.harris at rustic-engines.com

Chuck Balyeat wrote:
>> I see that your Z is one of the very rare "Clean Air" experimental 
>> versions
> with the plug in the exhaust.  I think it failed because, as with most all
> "Clean Air" engines, it failed to make enough power to be useful.>>>>
> Those had the correct fuel air mixture installed at the factory ,
> and once it has completed the aforementioned   " 1  STROKE "
> it must be returned to the factory to have another fuel/air "cycle"
> reisntalled . I knew there was something other than a firearm that
> fit that description .  This isnt a one stroke , but more correctly a "one 
> cycle" .
> Not to be confused with the monowheel or monocycle .
> http://blog.hemmings.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/Agusta%20monowheel.jpg
> Chuck Balyeat
> http://royalcrossfarm.com/essentials.htm

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