[SEL] Corn-gas a BUST!

Peter Lowe plowe at exemail.com.au
Wed Sep 26 18:59:06 PDT 2007

My cousins have been using Bio-Diesel for 8 years at around $0.25 a litre. 
The vehicles have never had a spanner (wrench) on them. One is a Toyota 
Landcruiser the other is a Rover car.
They have fish & chip (fries) oil coming out of their ears and supply is 
more than they can use. Both have around 20 - 44gal drums of supply at any 
one time.
They have a real professional home setup, even with their own bowsers.

Peter, Oz

> That's the MOST IMPORTANT fact in my mind.  Ethanol isn't going to
> help since not all cars can run on it and the ones that can use it
> loose 15-20% of their fuel mileage since it has less BTU's per gallon.
> Now, biodiesel is the one worth supporting, although the morons over
> here in the US have been scared away from diesels ever since GM
> brought out the 350 diesel bomb back in 1977.  Biodiesel can be run
> in ANY engine, and no modifications need to be made (might need to
> replace fuel lines in really old cars).  Most diesels will run BETTER
> on bio than they do on regular diesel.  The raw material for making
> bio (vegetable oil) is also in ready supply.  We already make
> millions of gallons of it each year for frying and cooking, and that
> oil is thrown out or recycled after it's used.  Why not recycle it
> into biodiesel?
> I fully support biodiesel even though I'm in no way a GREEN
> person.  I could care less about the environmental aspects of it.  If
> it helps us buy less oil from the terrorists, then I'm all about it.
> -Tony

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